Horst Mueller, originally from Germany, is a long time Jensen Beach resident. While touching works of art is traditionally prohibited in galleries, Horst will encourage you to touch his paintings that are so unique in their thick and rich texture.
The philosophy of his creations is “even hands can see.” Horst is a champion of making art accessible to disabled people, especially for the blind and vision impaired who can experience the represented forms in his paintings with their hands.
As Horst expressed himself: “My work is half painting and half sculpture, I use vivid colors but the key of my message is in the volume and the texture.” Horst is a former engineer who has traveled the world. He gave over 100 workshops, including workshops for adults with intellectual disabilities, and he continues to be an art force in Germany and the United States.
The “Spiral” in the tactile art by Horst Mueller.
The geometric motifs in prehistoric art date to the Upper Paleolithic, the third and last subdivision of the Paleolithic or Old Stone Age (broadly between 50,000 and 12,000 years ago).
The scientists are still trying to shed light on the symbolic significance of the geometrical images, and of course, these meanings vary from culture to culture. The ‘Spiral’ is one of the most common geometric motifs, painted and carved throughout the world. Spiral is a common shape found in nature. The structure of DNA is a double helix. In other words, it is a double stranded molecule that twists like a spiral staircase. Spiral galaxies were originally described by Edwin Hubble in his 1936 work The Realm of the Nebulae. The enigmatic, infinite, twisting spirals have influenced artists, architects, thinkers and designers for millennia. In general, the Spiral is a symbol of spiritual development and our identity with the universe.
Our life is a spiral staircase: ” Man has many levels of cognition, windows on the spiral staircase of his understanding, and even as the lighthouse-keeper, whose tower is based in the living rock, climbs to the level of the lantern where he tends the light which is not his light, so man’s evolving consciousness must climb from plane to plane until he finds, and learns to tend, the Light within, which shines eternally.” – Karma and Rebirth (1943) by Travers Christmas Humphreys, founder of the Buddhist Society. The Spiral is a process of Individuation, where the spiral involution or vortex represents re-awakening and the spiral curve which emanates from the involution is our spiritual dynamic growth and transformation. The Spiral is a symbol of spiritual unity with the divine in every known religion and spiritual tradition.
Stop by The 1895 Church of StuArt in Downtown Stuart, Florida, to see and feel the art by Horst Mueller. 311 SW 3rd St., Stuart, Florida, 34994